Bio-One Of Orange decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

The Long-Term Effects of Rodent Waste on Your Home & Health

The Long-Term Effects of Rodent Waste on Your Home & Health

The presence of rodents and pest droppings is more than just an eyesore, it can also directly affect the health of those living in or around a location with an infestation. Bacteria, viruses, and other disease-carrying pathogens are often found during rodent waste cleanup, which means that simply being exposed to them can put you at risk for serious illness.

In addition, if left unchecked, the consequences could involve costly repairs down the road due to extensive damage caused by these small creatures. Here at Bio-One of Orange, we’d like to shed some light on how rodents can negatively impact your home and health in both the short and long term if they’re not taken care of promptly. Read on to learn more about this important issue!

Rodents Pose Several Health Risks

Rodents carry a variety of diseases that can be transmitted to humans through contact with their urine, feces, or saliva. These diseases include leptospirosis, hantavirus, salmonella, and even the plague. In addition, rodent waste can also release harmful allergens into the air, which can exacerbate respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Rodents Can Cause Physical Damage

Rats and mice have been known to gnaw on wires and electrical cords, creating fire hazards in the home. In addition, rodents can contaminate food sources and surfaces with their saliva and urine, spreading bacteria and parasites that could potentially cause disease.

Rodents Can Spread Disease to Pets

Rodents can also spread disease to pets, such as dogs or cats. Rodent-borne illnesses can cause serious health issues in pets, including fever, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. As rodents move from one place to another they may also carry fleas or ticks which can transmit parasites and other infectious agents to your pets.

Understanding the Damage Caused by Rodent Waste

Exposure to rodent waste can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, and even death in extreme cases. Additionally, the odor of rodent waste can attract other pests, such as flies and maggots, further compounding the problem. Therefore, understanding the damage caused by rodent waste is crucial to safeguarding the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

How to Detect Rodent Droppings in Your Home

Rodents can be pesky and cause several problems in your home, from gnawing on electrical wires to spreading potentially harmful diseases. One key way to identify a rodent infestation is by looking for droppings. Typical characteristics include:

  • Small, pellet-like shapesDark color (ranging from black to dark brown).
  • Shiny or dull finish, depending on age approximately 1/8 – 1/4 inch in size.
  • Rodent droppings may be found in a number of different areas around your home. The most common places include basements, attics, kitchens, pantries, and under sinks.

During rodent waste cleanup, it is important to use gloves that are thick enough to protect hands from coming into direct contact with them. Once you've located droppings, it's important to disinfect the area thoroughly and take steps to prevent future infestations.

Tips for Preventing Rodents from Invading Your Home

Rodents are not only pesky but also pose a threat to your health and property. Preventing rodents from invading your home is no small feat, but it's essential to ensure your home remains clean and disease-free. While getting rid of them can be a daunting task, you can keep these furry critters at bay:

  • Seal cracks and crevices. Rodents are notorious for squeezing through small holes, so make sure to seal any openings in the walls or foundation of your house.
  • Store food properly. Don’t leave food out where rodents can get to it. Dispose of trash regularly and store dry pet food in airtight containers.
  • Get rid of clutter. Rodents love to hide in dark, cluttered areas, so clean up your yard and keep it free of piles of leaves or wood.
  • Use traps and baits. Traps can be an effective way to catch rodents before they infest your home, while baits are poisonous substances that will kill them if ingested.
  • Call an exterminator. If all else fails, contact a professional exterminator for help getting rid of your rodent problem. They have the experience and knowledge to handle it quickly and safely.

By following these tips, you can keep your home free of rodents and protect your family's health and safety.

Bio-One is here to provide rodent waste cleanup services!

As we can see, rodent droppings can pose serious threats to the health and safety of homeowners. With a closer look at the damages caused by rodent feces and exposure to related diseases, it's clear why prevention is key. Using effective tactics like deep cleaning, making particular areas of the house generally unobtainable to rodents and quickly disposing of any evidence of them are key measures in limiting the potential harms caused by rodents.

Ultimately, taking preventative action against rodents and their droppings should be at the top of every homeowner’s priority list, so much so that investing in rodent waste cleanup services may well be necessary. Bio-One of Orange is available to help you or your loved one with discretion and expert insight!

rodent waste cleaning and disinfection technician example

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Orange offers solutions to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team. We're prepared to help you every step of the way, all the time:

Disinfection, Sanitation & Decontamination Services 

Hoarding Cleanup Service & Clutter Removal Services


Bio-One of Orange is a family-owned company that takes pride in providing quality care for residents throughout California’s Southern region. From Aliso Viejo to Costa Mesa and beyond. As members of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, our certified, professional hoarding remediation technicians are ready to help. Bio-One is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

DIY Hoarding Removal: Why It's Safer to Hire a Professional

When it comes to hoarding removal, often the most difficult part of the process is taking on DIY measures without any professional guidance. For those with serious hoarding problems, a do-it-yourself approach can be dangerous and ineffective in achieving lasting results.

With the help of an experienced team, like Bio-One of Orange County's compassionate and expert hoarders cleaners, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home will receive the dedicated care needed for long-term success. Read as we explain why it's better to hire a professional sanitization company for your hoarder's cleaning job instead of going solo so you can reclaim space while maintaining health standards and dignity throughout the entire process.

Introduce the Problem of Hoarding.

Hoarding involves the excessive accumulation of items and an inability to let go of possessions, ultimately causing the clutter to overtake living spaces. Most of the time, it can lead to serious health and safety hazards, such as fire hazards, mold growth, and vermin infestations.

Hoarding also has significant emotional consequences, including social isolation, depression, and anxiety. While hoarding is often linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), it is not exclusively related to it. Individuals with hoarding tendencies must seek professional help to address and manage this problem, as it can impact not only their own well-being but also that of their loved ones and communities.

The Dangers of DIY Hoarding Removal.

When it comes to hoarding removal, the do-it-yourself approach can seem like a cost-effective and efficient solution. However, it is important to recognize the potential dangers and risks associated with attempting to remove hoarded items without the help of professionals. Those who attempt to undertake this daunting task may risk exposure to dangerous substances such as:

  • Mold, mildew, and other allergens
  • Chemicals from broken or rotting material
  • Harmful bacteria
  • Insects and small animals

Additionally, attempting to tackle hoarding removal without the assistance of a professional can often be overwhelming, leading to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Why Calling in a Professional is the Best Option for You or your loved one.

Professional cleaning services will have the experience and expertise to safely and effectively remove items from a home, beginning with a thorough inspection of the premises. This will help them to identify any hazardous materials and determine how best to proceed with removal. Professionals will also have access to special equipment that can protect them from potential danger while they are working in the home.

In addition, hiring a professional is the best option to ensure that everything is properly taken care of and disposed of in a safe manner. Professionals will know how to handle dangerous materials such as asbestos or lead while taking into account any applicable laws and regulations regarding disposal methods.

What a Professional Bio-One of Orange Hoarding Cleaner Can Do For You

If you're in need of a hoarding cleanup service, a professional Bio-One of Orange hoarding cleanup crew is equipped with the necessary skills and experience to handle sensitive situations with discretion and care.

A professional bio-one team can not only clean and restore your home or property, but also help you navigate the emotional and psychological toll of hoarding. With their trained eye, they can identify potential health hazards and safely dispose of any dangerous or unsanitary materials. 

Convenience, Discretion, and Special Requests Offered By Bio-One of Orange

Bio-One of Orange offers exceptional convenience, discretion, and flexibility when it comes to our biohazard cleaning services. One of their key selling points is their 24/7 availability, which means we're always ready to respond to emergency situations. Additionally, we understand that these situations require the utmost discretion and sensitivity, so they arrive in unmarked vehicles and wear plain clothes to avoid attracting undue attention.

Bio-One of Orange also understands that every situation is unique, and we're always willing to accommodate special requests from our clients. Whether it’s a specific cleaning protocol or a particular time of day, we strive to meet the unique needs of every client we serve.

hoarding removal before and after - bio one of orange

Lifting the load.

Bio-One of Orange offers solutions to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team. We're prepared to help you every step of the way, all the time:

Disinfection, Sanitation & Decontamination Services 

Hoarding Cleanup Service & Clutter Removal Services


Bio-One of Orange is a family-owned company that takes pride in providing quality care for residents throughout California’s Southern region. From Aliso Viejo to Costa Mesa and beyond. As members of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, our certified, professional hoarding remediation technicians are ready to help. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

DIY Biohazard Waste Cleanup: Why It's Never a Good Idea

As you may already know, cleaning up biohazard waste is not something that should ever be taken lightly, nor is it something you want to attempt yourself without a professional cleanup crew at your side. Biohazardous materials require specialized disposal techniques as well as supplies and equipment to ensure everything is done correctly and safely.

While some might feel DIY solutions are an appealing option for getting rid of biohazardous items from their property, there are multiple risks associated with this decision that far outweigh any saving costs in time or money. Here's why cleaning up biohazard waste on your own is never a good idea.

What is Biohazard Waste and why it should only be handled by a professional?

Biohazard waste is commonly known for containing infectious materials such as bodily fluids, bacteria, and viruses, which can pose a significant threat to human health if not handled appropriately.

That is why it is essential to know how to manage this waste efficiently. Handling biohazard waste is not everyone's cup of tea. It should only be done by professionals trained to manage such waste properly. Professional biohazard waste handlers have the required knowledge, skills, and equipment for disposing of this dangerous waste safely.

The dangers of cleaning up biohazard waste

When it comes to cleaning up biohazard waste, many people think they can handle the task themselves. However, going the DIY route can be extremely dangerous and potentially life-threatening.  The risks of cleaning up biohazard waste include:

  • Exposure to hazardous materials and potential infection from bacteria or viruses.
  • The potential for accidentally spreading contaminants to other areas if proper containment and disposal methods are not followed.
  • Damage to the environment due to improper disposal of contaminated materials.
  • Legal repercussions for improper handling of biohazardous materials.
  • Psychological distress from dealing with traumatic material.
  • Financial strain from the cost of cleaning up and disposing of hazardous materials safely.

The proper handling and regulation of biohazardous materials are of utmost importance in maintaining the safety of individuals and communities alike. These materials pose serious health risks and can lead to the spread of deadly diseases.

The health risks associated with cleaning up biohazard waste

When it comes to DIY biohazard waste cleanup, the risks involved cannot be overstated. Biohazard waste is any material that is contaminated with potentially infectious agents, such as blood or bodily fluids. Exposure to biohazard waste can lead to:

  • Transmission of infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B, and C, or other bloodborne illnesses.
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals or hazardous materials.
  • Physical injury from sharp objects such as needles or medical waste.
  • Ingestion of microscopic organisms that can cause serious illness.

In order to safely manage biohazardous waste, it is essential to recognize potential hazards and take appropriate steps to protect yourself. Even something as seemingly harmless as a small cut or scrape on the skin can become a portal for infection. Professionals in the field of biohazard cleanup receive extensive training and use specialized equipment to safely and effectively clean up biohazard waste.

The importance of following safety protocols when dealing with biohazard waste

Biohazard waste poses serious risks not only to our health but also to the environment and those who handle it. It is for these reasons that following safety protocols is of utmost importance in dealing with biohazard waste. The risks associated with it can be minimized by adhering to protocols that include:

  1. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment when dealing with any biohazardous material, such as gloves, masks, and goggles.
  2. Properly label and store containers used for storing and disposing of biohazardous materials.
  3. Dispose of bio-waste in secure containers approved by your local regulations.
  4. Follow local regulations on how to properly dispose of biohazardous waste, which may include incineration.
  5. Have an emergency plan in place should a spill occur.

When to call a professional for biohazard waste remediation in Orange County

When cleaning up biohazard waste in Orange County, up biohazard waste, it's essential to understand when to call a professional for remediation. While it may be tempting to handle the cleanup yourself, doing so can put your health at risk and further contaminate the area. Hiring a professional ensures that the area is properly disinfected and that all biohazardous materials are disposed of safely and legally.

Certain situations, such as sewage backups and hoarding situations, require immediate professional attention. Additionally, if you suspect that the area may contain harmful pathogens or toxins, it's best to err on the side of caution and call a professional for assistance. When it comes to biohazard waste, it's always better to be safe than sorry!

example of biohazard remediation technician wearing hazmat gear

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Orange offers solutions to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team.

Disinfection, Sanitation & Decontamination Services 

Hoarding Cleanup Service & Clutter Removal Services


Bio-One of Orange is a family-owned company that takes pride in providing quality care for residents throughout California’s Southern region. From Aliso Viejo to Costa Mesa and beyond. As members of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, our certified, professional hoarding remediation technicians are ready to help. Bio-One is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

Dealing with Animal Waste: How to Clean Up Feces and Urine

We love pets, but let's face it: they can make quite a mess. Sometimes, animal waste is not unsightly, which can harm your health. That's why it's important to know how to clean up feces and urine, and other animal waste properly. Here are some tips for dealing with animal waste in your home or business, and how our technicians at Bio-One of Orange can help.

If you are going to clean up feces and urine, wear gloves and a mask.

When cleaning up animal waste, it is important to wear protective equipment like gloves and a face mask. Not only can feces contaminate your skin and eyes, but certain illnesses, including salmonellosis and leptospirosis, can be transferred through feces.

Wearing gloves will provide an extra layer of protection against contact with any harmful bacteria that feces may contain. Additionally, wearing a face mask will help you avoid breathing in any potentially hazardous particles or pathogens that feces may release into the air. Properly protecting yourself with appropriate safety equipment during feces cleanup is essential to preventing serious diseases from spreading!

Use hot water and soap to clean up feces and urine from surfaces.

To ensure safe and effective cleaning, hot water and soap should always be used on surfaces that come into contact with feces. If a disinfectant is available, use it to reduce the risk of contamination from germs and viruses. Be sure to use gloves for protection and properly dispose of any rags or other tools you use for feces cleanup afterward. Cleaning surfaces with hot water and soap is the best way to manage feces-related messes and minimize infection from harmful organisms.

Wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning animal waste.

Cleaning feces and urine from an animal is certainly not a pleasant chore. That said, it's important to remember to wash your hands thoroughly after the job is done. It can be easy to forget, but failure to do so can lead to the spread of dangerous bacteria, viruses, and diseases.

Taking a few moments to cleanse your hands with soap and warm water thoroughly may take only minutes but could save you from uncomfortable illnesses!

Please avoid cleaning animal waste if you have any open cuts or wounds!

Caring for animals means more than just tending to their needs. It also involves protecting yourself from diseases transmitted through feces and urine. If you have any open cuts or wounds, remember that diseases can be passed through contact with animal droppings. If possible, avoid touching animal waste directly and use a shovel, rake, or scoop to move it. Washing your hands thoroughly can help prevent the spread of disease.

Dispose of the animal waste in a plastic bag, then place it in a garbage can with a lid.

Animal waste cleanup is vital to animal stewardship and helps ensure that our public spaces are safe and clean. To properly dispose of animal waste, use a plastic bag to place the waste inside. Then, put that in a garbage can with a lid to keep it secure and prevent any potential contamination from spreading. Following this practice can help reduce the risk of diseases being passed on through animal waste and keep everyone around you healthy!

Attempting to clean up feces and urine can be dangerous.

Handling and cleaning up animal feces should not be taken lightly. There are health risks involved if the proper precautions are not taken. Remember to wear gloves and a mask, use hot water and soap on any surfaces that come into contact with the feces, wash your hands thoroughly afterward, cover any open wounds, and dispose of the animal waste in a plastic bag placed in a garbage can with a lid. 

Animal waste remediation technicians.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about cleaning up feces, urine, and animal waste properly!

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Orange offers solutions to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team:

Disinfection, Sanitation & Decontamination Services 

Hoarding Cleanup Service & Clutter Removal Services


Bio-One of Orange is a family-owned company that takes pride in providing quality care for residents throughout California’s Southern region. From Aliso Viejo to Costa Mesa and beyond. As members of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, our certified, professional remediation technicians are ready to help. Bio-One is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

The 4-Step Guide for Cleaning a Hoarder's House with Bio-One

Are you struggling with cleaning a hoarder's house? Here is our four-step guide from Bio-One of Orange's remediation specialists to help you get started. With our help, you'll have your loved one's home cleaned most efficiently!

Step One - Educating yourself about Hoarding Disorder.

Educating yourself about Hoarding Disorder is the first step to helping someone you care about or even yourself. To properly understand hoarding disorder, you have to learn what the symptoms of hoarding disorder are. This will enable you to accurately distinguish hoarding from collecting meaningful items and hoarding out of fear of being wasteful, two behaviors with very different causes, treatments, and outcomes.

Hoarding behavior may manifest as the inability to manage decision-making related to possessions, difficulty discarding possessions that others might consider valueless, strong feelings of anxiety when discarding items, and persistent clutter that impairs functioning. Educating yourself is the first step to better understanding hoarding!

Step Two - Assessing the Situation.

The next step is to assess the situation. When cleaning a hoarder's house, one must examine the environment and determine what items are hoarded, how much clutter there is, and if there is any potential danger. Be sure to contact a professional company if you feel the situation is too overwhelming to handle on your own or if you are uncertain about what items should be kept, discarded, and/or donated.

Step Three - Taking Action.

Once you have assessed the situation, it is time to take action! The typical hoarding remediation process includes the following steps:

  • Removing any hazardous materials from the house: anything that could potentially cause harm, such as sharp objects and combustible materials.
  • Begin the process of sorting and discarding any items that are no longer needed or wanted. This will help to reduce clutter and open up space in the home. If there is anything that can be donated, they will work closely with the hoarder and their families to make them comfortable throughout the process.
  • Removing any remaining items that are safe to keep and organizing them into labeled categories. This will help hoarders better manage their possessions in the future.

Step Four - Working with a Professional Cleaning and a Mental Health Specialist.

The final step in cleaning a hoarder's house is to work with a professional cleaning and mental health specialist. It is also important to have a mental health specialist involved to provide the necessary support and guidance throughout the process.

Common treatment options for Hoarding Disorder.

The most common treatment options for Hoarding Disorder include support groups, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and medications. The goal of treatment is to help the person manage their anxiety around discarding items, reduce clutter, and create a safe and healthy environment!

Cognitive-behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy used to treat Hoarding Disorder. CBT focuses on changing thinking patterns, negative beliefs, and behaviors contributing to the problem. CBT teaches people how to identify and modify irrational thoughts that lead to clutter and disorganization in their homes.

Support Groups

Support groups can be an important part of treatment for Hoarding Disorder. These support groups offer a safe and supportive environment to discuss struggles, successes, and experiences with others who understand. During meetings, members can receive encouragement to help them stay motivated and on track with their goals. Additionally, they may learn new strategies for organizing their home and reducing clutter.

Medications may also be prescribed to help people with hoarding manage their symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.

Cleaning hoarding before and after.
Let our cleaning technicians restore your home and take care of your loved one!

Lifting the Load.

Bio-One of Orange offers solutions to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team:

Disinfection, Sanitation & Decontamination Services 

Hoarding Cleanup Service & Clutter Removal Services


Bio-One of Orange is a family-owned company that takes pride in providing quality care for residents throughout California’s Southern region. From Aliso Viejo to Costa Mesa and beyond. As members of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, our certified, professional hoarding remediation technicians are ready to help. Bio-One is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

Tips and Tricks for Cleaning a Hoarder's Home Safely and Effectively.

Are you dealing with a hoarding situation? If so, you know just how difficult and dangerous it can be to clean up a home that's been taken over by hoarder tendencies. But with the right approach, you can start cleaning a hoarder's home safely and effectively.

Hoarding - Health and Safety Risks

Hoarding is a mental health disorder characterized by the persistent accumulation of excessive amounts of belongings, even if they are of little or no value. It can lead to serious health and safety risks and emotional distress for both the person suffering from the disorder and their loved ones.

A hoarder's house can pose serious health and safety risks. Hoarded items can block exit routes in the event of a fire, making it difficult or even impossible to escape. In addition, hoarder homes are often cluttered, and cluttered homes are more likely to have trip-and-fall accidents. The accumulation of refuse and garbage can also attract vermin, spreading disease and exposure to other infections from rotten food and dead animals.

What You Can do to Help Someone Struggling with Hoarding Disorder

While hoarding can be a very isolating experience, it's important to remember that you are not alone. Many people care about and want to help hoarders overcome this disorder. Here are some things you can do to get started and how a hoarding cleanup company like Bio-One can help make this process a manageable experience for the victims and their families.

Offer support and understanding.

The first step is to offer support and understanding. Let the person know you are there for them and want to help them address hoarding with the utmost care and compassion.

Educate yourself about Hoarding Disorder

It's also important to educate yourself about what hoarding is and how it affects families. This will help you better understand what the person is going through and how you can best help them if you're planning a hoarding intervention.

Encourage Mental Health Professional Help

For some people, hoarding might seem a complex, almost impossible condition. Dealing with hoarders is a laborious task, especially if you don't have someone who understands this condition. If you or a family member is having a hoarding problem, do not fear seeking professional help.

For example, a therapist can help the hoarder understand their condition and work through the underlying issues causing the hoarding behavior.

Check out these resources available for people dealing with compulsive hoarding from the International OCD Foundation: Diagnosing Hoarding Disorder & Treatment of Hoarding Disorder

Tips for Cleaning a Hoarder's Home Safely and Effectively

Here are some tips to help you tackle hoarding, clean the environment safely and help the victims improve their living conditions:

  1. Make a plan. Decide what needs to be done and how you will do it. Tip: Staging a Hoarding Intervention - American Psychiatric Association.
  2. Be patient and understanding. This is not an easy situation for anyone involved.
  3. Be gentle but firm. It's important to be respectful of the person's belongings, but you must also be firm about getting the job done.
  4. Be prepared for setbacks. This is a difficult process; sometimes, it feels like you're not making any progress. Just stay focused on the goal and keep moving forward.

If possible, bring in someone experienced in dealing with hoarding situations. Bio-One of Orange offers a compassionate, discreet, and effective solution to start cleaning a hoarder's home and help everyone get their lives back.

With these tips in mind, you'll be well on cleaning a hoarder's home safely and effectively.

How a Professional Cleaning Company like Bio-One Can Help

It might be tough to know where to turn if you or someone you know is dealing with hoarding. Many people are embarrassed or ashamed of their situation and don't want to ask for help. But professional cleaning companies like Bio-One can make a real difference.

Hoarding can be emotionally draining - we understand how people can feel attached to their belongings in a non-healthy way. That's why we take the time to get to know our clients and develop a trust-based relationship. We want to help clean up the home in a way that is respectful of people's belongings and their feelings, and we have the experience and expertise to deal with even the most challenging clean-up situations.

If you or someone you love is dealing with hoarding, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can assist you in getting your house back into tip-top shape.

Cleaning a hoarder's home - Before and after with Bio-One.
Bio-One of Orange is ready to help you clean a hoarder's home - Call us today and let us help!

Help First, Business Second! 

Bio-One of Orange is the solution to life's most demanding and challenging situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team.

Our customers' well-being and peace are always our priority, and business comes second. We want to ensure that customers who need our help know what to expect from our services. 

Disinfection, Sanitation & Decontamination Services 

Hoarding Cleaning Service & Clutter Removal Services


Bio-One of Orange is a family-owned, locally owned business dedicated to providing quality care for residents in Orange County and surrounding Southern California regions: Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Dana Point, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, La Habra, La Palma, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Los Alamitos, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Seal Beach, Stanton, Tustin, Villa Park, Westminster, and Yorba Linda!

As members of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, our certified, professional hoarding cleaners are ready to help. Bio-One of Orange is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

Common Physical and Health Risks of Hoarding Disorder - Bio-One.

Hoarding (HD) is a serious problem that can significantly impact your physical and mental health. If you or someone you know wants to start with hoarding clean up, getting help is fundamental. However, it's not something people may consider due to the stigma and anxiety around a hoarding situation.

Bio-One of Orange is a professional hoarding cleanup company serving Orange County, CA. Our certified technicians are trained in severe clutter scenarios and have the equipment and supplies to restore any home or property from hoarding. Dealing with hoarding situations takes great compassion and understanding; if you choose to help yourself or a loved one with hoarding clean up, we'll ensure the process is carried out in the safest, most comfortable way possible.

Understanding Hoarding

According to the American Psychiatric Association, Hoarding is a mental disorder characterized by the compulsion to hoard, collect and save items, even if they are of little or no value. People with HD often live in cluttered or extremely messy homes and may have difficulty getting rid of things. While many people may have some symptoms of hoarding, it is only considered a disorder when it causes significant distress or impairment in day-to-day functioning.

Hoarding can be difficult to treat, but some effective interventions exist. Treatment typically involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Medication may help reduce anxiety and other symptoms associated with HD. Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help people with hoarding learn to manage their symptoms.

If you or someone you know may be suffering from hoarding, it is important to seek professional help. Hoarding can lead to many serious problems, including social isolation, financial difficulties, and health risks.

The physical risks of hoarding

Hoarding can present many physical risks to the hoarder and those around them. These risks can include the following:

  • Fire hazards from overloaded electrical sockets or hoarded materials blocking exits.
  • Increased risk of falls and other injuries due to cluttered spaces.
  • Poor hygiene and sanitation due to hoarded materials taking up space in bathrooms and kitchens (rotten food and spillage is common)
  • Rodents, cockroaches, and other pest infestations from hoarded food or other materials.

If you or someone you know is struggling with hoarding, a hoarding cleanup service may be the solution. These cleaning service companies like Bio-One are trained to safely and effectively remove hoarded materials and can help create a safer living environment.

The health risks of hoarding

When someone hoards, they collect large amounts of items and often live in very cluttered and dangerous conditions. While it may seem harmless, hoarding can have serious consequences for both the hoarder and those around them.

Hoarding can pose serious health risks to the hoarder themselves. They may risk injury from falling objects, fires, or even collapsing walls. In addition, the clutter and lack of cleanliness can attract vermin, spreading disease. Hoarders may also have difficulty accessing essential services like cooking and sanitation facilities.

Those living with hoarding may also be at risk of social isolation and mental health problems. Hoarding can cause strain on relationships and make it difficult to keep a job. Hoarders may also be more likely to suffer from Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and other conditions.

If you or a family member is dealing with a hoarder's home, know that help is available. Many resources can support and assist with cleaning up and organizing the hoarded space. 

With the right help, hoarding can be overcome, and those affected can live healthier happier lives.

Hoarding cleanup before and after.
No matter how extreme the situation might seem, Bio-One of Orange is ready to help.


Bio-One of Orange offers solutions to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team. We're prepared to help you every step of the way, all the time.

Our customers' well-being and peace are always our priority, and business comes second. We want to ensure that customers who need our help know what to expect from our services. 

Disinfection, Sanitation & Decontamination Services 

Hoarding Cleaning Service & Clutter Removal Services


Bio-One of Orange is a family-owned, locally owned business dedicated to providing quality care for residents in Orange County and surrounding Southern California regions: Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Dana Point, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, La Habra, La Palma, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Los Alamitos, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Seal Beach, Stanton, Tustin, Villa Park, Westminster, and Yorba Linda!

As members of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, our certified, professional hoarding clean up technicians are ready to help. Bio-One of Orange is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

How Bio-One Can Disinfect Areas Impacted by Tear Gas Residue

Though it's rarely fatal, exposure to tear gas may result in diseases and health risks. The residue left behind can be dangerous. Bio-One offers tear gas cleanup services in the Orange County area in residential and commercial settings. Our certified technicians use the latest technology and the highest industry standards to remediate areas impacted by tear gas.

What is tear gas?

Tear gas is a chemical weapon that causes severe eye and respiratory irritation. Commonly referred to as riot gas, tear gas is rarely fatal, and though it is classified as a riot-control agent, its use is banned in warfare by the Geneva Protocol of 1925.

Tear gas works by causing irritation to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat, leading to a burning sensation and difficulty breathing.

In some cases, it can also cause vomiting and diarrhea. The effects of tear gas are temporary and typically last for 15-30 minutes. However, these effects can be much more severe if the person is enclosed in a small space, such as a car or room.

When deployed, tear gas releases a cloud of aerosolized particles that float in the air. These particles can spread quickly and affect people who are downwind of the initial deployment. It's usually deployed in canisters or grenades that explode on impact. The police often fire tear gas canisters into a crowd from a distance using a launcher.

It's important to notice that tear gas is not the same as pepper spray; the difference lies in the biological material used to create these compounds.

What are the risks of exposure to tear gas?

Removing yourself from the affected areas is important as quickly as possible if you are exposed to tear gas. Try to hold your breath and avoid touching your face if you can. Once you are away from the gas source, remove any clothing that may have been contaminated and take a cold shower, scrubbing your skin with soap and water.

Tear gas residue can linger in the HVAC system, so try to ventilate the area where you were exposed to tear gas. Open all the doors and windows to let fresh air in. If possible, use a fan to circulate the air. You should also avoid using air conditioners or ventilation systems that recirculate indoor air. Exposure to tear gas can cause several health risks, including:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Skin irritation
  • Burning eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive tearing
  • Difficulty breathing

If you have asthma or another respiratory condition, exposure to tear gas can be especially dangerous, and in rare cases, it can lead to a fatal asthma attack. Infants, children, older adults, and people with chronic health conditions are also at increased risk for complications from tear gas exposure.

How does Bio-One clean up areas affected by tear gas residue?

If you've been exposed to tear gas or if there is residue in your home or business, it's essential to call a professional tear gas cleanup company should be the first step. Our certified technicians have the training and experience to safely and effectively clean up areas impacted by tear gas residue.

We follow strict guidelines and have the proper equipment to remediate areas affected by tear gas. This includes personal protective equipment (PPE) for our crew members and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-approved cleaning solutions.

The importance of proper decontamination after exposure to tear gas

Tear gas is a weapon and should be treated as such, so if you are caught in a tear gas attack, staying calm and moving away from the area as quickly as possible is crucial. Covering your mouth and nose with a cloth can help reduce the gas's effects. If you have any pre-existing respiratory conditions, it is important to always carry your medication with you.

Keep in mind that the tear gas cleanup process may be extremely difficult. At Bio-One, we'll work with your insurance company to take care of everything and ensure you return to a safe, hazard-free environment.

In case of any emergency, give us a call. For us, it's Help First, Business Second!

Full-face respirator for tear gas cleanup - Bio-One of Orange.
Bio-One uses the latest equipment to remediate areas from tear gas residue. Photo credit: @ivandan - Freepik.

Help First, Business Second!

Bio-One of Orange offers solutions to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team.

Our customers' well-being and peace are always our priority, and business comes second. We want to ensure that customers who need our help know what to expect from our services. 

Recovery Services

Hoarding Cleanup & Clutter Removal Services


Locally owned, Bio-One of Orange is proud to serve Orange County and surrounding Southern California areas: Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Dana Point, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, La Habra, La Palma, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Los Alamitos, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Seal Beach, Stanton, Tustin, Villa Park, Westminster, and Yorba Linda!

Our certified, professional tear gas cleanup technicians are ready to help. Bio-One of Orange is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

FAQs During a Hoarding Cleanup - How  Can Bio-One Help?

It is not always easy to decide to change a person's life by helping them clean and declutter their homes. Bio-One of Orange is a professional hoarding cleanup company specializing in safe decluttering hazardous waste removal services. Our desire to help people overcome hoarding and work with them throughout the process makes us stand out from others.

The truth is that hoarding requires help from professionals in several areas, including mental health professionals, social service organizations, and professional cleaners, to ensure the person is reinserted into a healthy, safe environment. 

Each one of our employees is trained to handle hoarding with an understanding approach while ensuring the property is rid of all the hazards commonly present in these scenarios (clutter, rotten food, mold growth, water damage, rodent, and other pests, among others).

FAQs about Hoarding Cleanup and How Bio-One can help

If you know someone struggling with hoarding and probably doesn't know what the process might look like, here are some frequently asked questions that may arise during a hoarding cleanup. If you're dealing with hoarding in your home, please call us. Our team is available 24/7 to help you.

Q: What is hoarding?

A: Hoarding is classified as a mental disorder that causes a person to excessively collect and save items, even if they are of no value, and pose a danger to the individual's health and safety. After years of research and study, the American Psychiatric Association recognized hoarding as a mental health condition in 2013.

Q: How can I tell if someone is hoarding?

A: Several signs may indicate that someone is hoarding, such as:

  • An excessive number of items fill the living space, making it difficult to move around.
  • An inability to throw away or donate possessions, even if they are no longer needed or used.
  • A compulsiveness around acquiring new items, even if they are not needed.
  • Difficulty organizing and managing belongings.
  • Excessive attachment to belongings.
  • Anxiety or discomfort when discussing possessions with others.

Q: How do I know if I'm a hoarder?

A: There is no easy way to know if you or a family member might be dealing with hoarding because the hoarder is not likely to admit they have a problem. Some common signs of hoarding include difficulty throwing away or giving away possessions, feeling overwhelmed by the stuff in the home, and being unable to use rooms in the house or property because they're so full of stuff.

Q: What are some biohazardous materials in a hoarder's home?

A: Hoarding can pose several dangers to the individual and those around them, such as:

  • Fire hazards from excessive clutter.
  • Trip and fall hazards from cluttered living spaces.
  • Risk of injury from sharp objects hidden in the clutter.
  • Poor sanitation and hygiene due to rotting food and garbage.
  • Dead animals and other forms of animal waste.
  • Infestation of rodents, cockroaches, and other pests.

Hoarding can also lead to social isolation and strained relationships with family and friends.

Q: How can Bio-One help?

A: Bio-One of Orange is a professional hoarding cleanup company. Our team is trained to handle these situations with care and compassion. We work closely with each of our customers and have the resources to help them overcome any hoarding problem.

Q: What does the hoarding cleanup process look like?

A: The process will vary depending on the severity of the situation. Our team will first assess the property to determine the scope of work that needs to be done. Bio-One emphasizes removing hazardous materials, cleaning up garbage and rotten food, and treating for infestation of pests. Once the area is decluttered and cleaned, we focus on developing a plan to keep the space clean and organized.

Learn more about of Bio-One in our Services section.

Q: How much does hoarding cleanup cost?

A: The cost of a hoarding cleanup will vary depending on the severity of the situation. Bio-One always offers a free estimate to determine the cost of the cleanup.

Q: How can I be sure Bio-One will not throw away anything valuable?

A: At Bio-One, we work with the families and victims to determine what items are to be kept, donated, or thrown away. We understand that letting go of certain belongings can be challenging, but our goal is to help you declutter the living space and eliminate any hazardous materials.

Q: Can Bio-One handle animal hoarding situations?

Yes, Bio-One is a hoarding cleanup company experienced in handling all types of hoarding situations, including those involving animals.

Q: What if the victim does not want help?

A: Many times, family and friends will contact us for help with a loved one who is hoarding. In these situations, we work with these individuals to develop a plan to get everyone the help they need. Our goal is to help the individual get the resources and assistance they need to overcome the hoarding problem.

Q: I don't want people looking through my belongings. How will Bio-One handle the situation privately?

A: Whenever Bio-One is called for a hoarding cleaning service, we employ 2-3 employees to ensure the process is carried out with the utmost respect and privacy. 

Q: I feel embarrassed about the condition of my home. How can I be sure that Bio-One will not judge me?

A: The team at Bio-One is here to help you through the entire process. We will never judge you or your situation, and our goal is to help you get your life back on track and provide resources and assistance to help overcome hoarding disorder.

Q: I don't know who I should reach out to help me with a hoarding situation. How can you help?

A: At Bio-One, our goal is always to #HelpFirstBusinessSecond. Hoarding is, in fact, a mental health disorder that requires help from professionals to overcome. We work closely with hoarding task forces, victim service groups, and organizations to help hoarders get the help they need.

Check our Resources section to learn more.

Hoarding cleanup services - Before and after.
At Bio-One of Orange. we can restore any home to a safe environment!

Help First, Business Second!

Bio-One of Orange offers solutions to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is always on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One prides itself on providing top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team.

Our customers' well-being and peace are always our priority, and business comes second. We want to ensure that customers who need our help know what to expect from our services. 

Recovery Services

Hoarding Cleanup & Clutter Removal Services


Locally owned, we serve Orange County and surrounding Southern California areas: Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Dana Point, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, La Habra, La Palma, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Los Alamitos, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Seal Beach, Stanton, Tustin, Villa Park, Westminster, and Yorba Linda!

Bio-One, the preferred hoarding cleanup company in OC, is ready to help. As members of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, we are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.

How to Properly Dispose of Medical Waste & Biohazardous Waste

Medical waste and biohazardous waste are both types of waste that can pose a severe threat to public health and the environment. This infectious waste is generated in health care facilities, crime scenes, chemical treatment plants, and others.

Medical and hazardous waste must be disposed of properly to protect people and the environment. Improper disposal of medical waste and biohazardous waste can lead to contamination of soil and water, which can spread disease and cause harmful effects on humans and animals. Both types of waste can also contain hazardous materials that can be dangerous if not handled properly.

What is medical waste?

Medical waste is defined as any solid waste generated in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals. This waste can come from various sources, including hospitals, clinics, medical offices, and laboratories, and medical and healthcare waste can be either infectious or non-infectious.

Healthcare workers are constantly exposed to the waste generated from medical procedures (medical equipment, human blood, syringes, and other sharps). They must follow all pertinent regulations to protect themselves and the public. Non-infectious medical waste includes items not contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids and does not pose a risk of infection.

Many medical waste disposal companies can pick up and dispose of the waste for you.

What is biohazardous waste?

Biohazardous waste is waste that threatens public health and the environment. This type of waste includes clinical, sharps, infectious, and pharmaceutical waste. Proper medical waste disposal is essential to preventing the spread of disease and protecting the environment.

How to properly dispose of biohazardous waste?

Improper disposal of biohazardous waste can spread disease and infection, so it is essential to follow proper procedures for disposing of this type of waste.

There are four main methods for treating and disposing of biohazardous waste: medical waste incinerators, autoclaving, chemical disinfection, and landfilling. Incineration is the most effective method of destroying infectious materials but is also the most expensive. 

Autoclaving uses steam to sterilize waste and is a less expensive option. Chemical disinfection uses chemicals to kill microorganisms, but this method is not as effective as the other three options. Landfilling is the least expensive method, but it does not destroy infectious materials and can pose a risk if the waste is not adequately contained.

Check out UC San Diego’s Biohazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines to learn more. 

The best method of disposing of biohazard waste depends on the type of waste and the level of infectious risk. Regardless of the methods used, certified professionals should only perform these procedures. It would be best never to attempt to dispose of this waste yourself, let alone carry out any disposal methods without the proper certification.

As a home or business owner, if you do come across any sort of biological or medical waste, the right thing to do is hire a medical waste disposal company to take care of them.

How Bio-One can help you dispose of medical and biohazardous waste

Bio-One is a certified medical waste disposal company that can help you safely and effectively dispose of your medical and biohazardous waste. We offer a wide range of services, including pick-up, transportation, and regulated medical waste and biohazards.

Our medical waste management services include emergency response, transportation, and disposal of bio-medical garbage, from medical examiner offices, healthcare facilities, medical research facilities, and dental clinics to nursing homes and other businesses that produce biohazard waste on a regular basis (weekly, monthly, quarterly). Contact us now for a free estimate.

Medical waste from health facilities - Bio-One of Orange.
Medical waste can spread diseases and even cause environmental damage if not disposed of properly. Photo credit: @chokniti - Freepik.

Help First, Business Second!

Bio-One of Orange offers a solution to life's most challenging and unexpected situations. We guarantee a quick response time, so you can rest assured that help is on the way. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Bio-One aims to provide top-quality service and support. If you're facing a difficult situation, don't hesitate to contact the Bio-One team. We're prepared to help you every step of the way, all the time.

Recovery Services

  • Blood spill and biohazard cleanup services
  • Crime and trauma scene cleanup services
  • Bodily fluids cleanup services
  • Feces and urine cleanup services
  • Undiscovered death cleanup services
  • Homicide/Suicide cleanup services
  • Virus Disinfection
  • Medical waste disposal services
  • Mold remediation services
  • Odor removal services
  • Sewage backups cleanup services

Hoarding Cleanup & Clutter Removal Services


Locally owned, Bio-One of Orange is proud to serve Orange County and surrounding Southern California areas: Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Dana Point, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, La Habra, La Palma, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Los Alamitos, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Seal Beach, Stanton, Tustin, Villa Park, Westminster, and Yorba Linda!

Our certified, professional medical waste disposal technicians are ready to help. Bio-One of Orange, a proud member of the Orange Chamber of Commerce, is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us at 714-397-8375.